Take a look at this list of top outlets where you can get our outstanding products!
Discover the best places to shop for all your favourites with confidence!
* Stores that stock Wild Bush Honey (1 Kilo)!
1st Choice Fruit & Veg (Castle Plaza)
Aberfoyle Park Drakes
Adams Apple West Lakes *
Adelaide City East IGA
Adelaide Fresh Fruiters
Adelaide Hutt Street IGA
Affordable Organics
Aldinga Drakes
Angaston Foodland
Angle Vale Drakes
Ardrossan Drakes
Arndale Fruit & Veg
Ascot Park Drakes
Aston Hill Drakes
Athelstone Foodland
Aussie Apricots
Balhannah Foodland
Barossa Fresh
Bean Team Café
Birdwood Foodland
Blackwood Drakes
Blair Athol IGA
La Vera (Newton)
Bowden IGA
Bridgewater Butcher
Brighton Foodland
Campbelltown Meat Centre
Carosel Fruit & Veg
Castle Plaza Drakes
Central Market
Christie's Beach IGA
Clovercrest Drakes
Collinswood Drakes
Croydon Foodland
Daw Park Foodland
Dulwich IGA
Ekam Indian Groceries (Enfield)
Elizabeth Park Drakes
Fairview Green Foodland
Farm Fresh Fruiterers (Salisbury)
Farm Market Murray Bridge
Farmers Gardens
Felixstow Foodland
Findon Drakes
Flaggstaff Hill Foodland
Foodhall Summer Hill - NSW
Francos Fruit & Vegetables
Frankie and the Grocer - St Anges
Freeling Foodland
Frewville Foodland *
Fruit Lovers Market
Fruita Bella
Fullum Drakes
Fulham Fresh Fruit & Veg
George & Ben's Fresh Food Market *
Get Fresh Findon
Glenelg Fruit & Veg
Greenwith Foodland
Hackham Drakes
Hahndorf Fruit & Veg *
Hahndorf IGA
Hallet Cove Drakes
Happy Valley Foodland
Henley Beach South IGA
Henley Square Foodland
Hilltop Fresh Flowers
Hove Foodland
Indian Plaza
Kapunda Foodland
Kilkenny Foodland
Leabrook IGA
Lightsview Drakes
Litchi Fresh & Grocer TTP
Littlehampton Foodland
Littlehampton Market Place *
Lobethal Foodland
Maclaren Vale Foodland
Magill Foodland
Magill Fruit & Veg
Mannum IGA
Manny Fruit & Veg (Plympton)
Mawson Lakes Foodland
Mellor's Gourmet Meats
Metro Fresh - Findon
Metro Fresh - North Adelaide
Mitcham Foodland
Modbury Foodland
Modbury Fruit Hub
Modbury Heights Butcher
Morphett Vale Foodland
Mt Barker Drakes
Mt Barker Foodland
Mt Barker Fresh Market
Mt Barker IGA
Munno Para Foodland
Murray Bridge Drakes
Naine Foodland
Newton Drakes
North Adelaide Foodland
North Haven Drakes
Norwood Foodland
O'Halloran Hill Fruit Market
Parabanks Fruit & Veg
Parafield Gardens Foodland
Pasadena Foodland *
Plympton Fresh Fruit & Veg
Port Adelaide Foodland
Port Lincoln Foodland
Ronik's Farmers Market
Rosewater Foodland
Rostrevor Food Barn
Rostrevor Foodland
Royal Indian Grocer
Royal Park Foodland
Saint Meat - North Haven & Semaphore
Saints Foodland
Salisbury Drakes
Salisbury East Foodland
Salisbury North Drakes
Seacliff Park Foodland
Seaford Drakes
Sedan Foodland
Sefton Plaza Foodland
Semaphore Drakes
Slice Fresh Fruit & Veg Mawson Lakes
Stirling Foodland
SupaValu Doonside - NSW
Surrey Downs Drakes
Tanunda Foodland
Tea Tree Gully Seafood & Chicken
The Good Pantry
Thebarton Foodland
Tony & Marks (Brickworks)
Tony & Marks (Burnside)
Tony & Marks (Campbelltown)
Tony & Marks (Glenunga)
Tony & Marks (Golden Grove)
Tony & Marks (Newton Village)
Tony & Marks (Newton))
Tony & Marks (Unley)
Trafford Meats
Urban Fresh Glenelg
Valley View Foodland
Vinny's Fruit and Veg
Virgara Fruit & Veg - Angle Vale & Gawler
Walkley Heights Drakes
Wallaroo Drakes
Wattle Park IGA
Wayville Drakes
West Lakes Foodland *Woodside Foodland